Sustainable Frome CIC

May 2024 version 1.1



Sustainable Frome is a group of people who want to build a greener future, and one in which Frome is better placed to meet the challenges of climate change with community-led responses. As part of the Transition Network, we have regular meetings, organise events and campaigns, and aim to provide advice and practical help for the residents of Frome who want to live in a more sustainable way. We support and work with other local groups working and campaigning in all areas of sustainable living, social justice and environmental protection.

Sustainable Frome is committed to protecting people who participate in its activities from harm and abuse. We will also ensure that all volunteers work together, in line with this safeguarding policy, and act promptly when dealing with allegations or suspicions of abuse or inappropriate behaviour.

Safeguarding Principles

We believe that:

  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
  • We all have a collective responsibility for creating a culture in which our people not only feel safe, but also able to speak up, if they have any concerns
  • Doing nothing is not an option. If you have any concerns – tell someone
  • If we know or suspect that someone is at risk, we will respond and ensure our concerns are properly recorded

Safeguarding Policy Applicability

This safeguarding policy applies to anyone working on our behalf, involved in our events and other volunteers.

This policy covers not only adults at risk, but also everyone involved with Sustainable Frome. In addition, if children are involved, additional Policies relating to children will need to be in place. Partner organisations, Groups and Individuals that receive Grant funding from Sustainable Frome are expected to comply with this Safeguarding Policy. They must also include any additional legal or regulatory requirements specific to their work.

What is Abuse?

Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other persons or group of people. Abuse may be single or repeated episodes.  It is not only harming somebody; it also includes neglect of their basic needs or failure to protect them from harm. Abuse can take many forms, such as physical, psychological or emotional, financial, sexual or institutional abuse, including neglect and exploitation.

Fundraising and Grants

We do not either solicit or accept donations from anyone whom we know or think may not be competent to make their own decisions.

Our Commitment

Sustainable Frome is committed to creating a culture of respect, in which everyone feels safe and able to speak up and to responding to any concerns sensitively and acting quickly to address these.


Sustainable Frome is committed to respecting the right to confidentiality of everyone involved with its activities. Sometimes it is necessary to share information to ensure a person’s well-being.

Reporting Safeguarding Concerns

If there are any safeguarding concerns at Sustainable Frome, the Sustainable Frome Designated Contacts should be informed as soon as possible. The designated named contacts will be updated in this document and on the website:

People Designated for Safeguarding:

Mike Grenville

Alex Hart