We’ve gathered together a list signposts to local groups and websites relating to sustainable activities and campaigns.

Some of these are closely tied to Sustainable Frome while others are quite separate.

Please contact us if you would like to be included, or if you spot any out-of-date or incorrect information.

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Frome Families for the Future

A group of concerned parents determined to fight for a better future for our children. Family friendly and non-judgemental.

Website: https://www.fromefamiliesforthefuture.com/

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Frome Field 2 Fork

Frome Field 2 Fork want everyone of all abilities and ages to be able to grow, buy and eat local food, produced in ways that support our environment.

Website: https://www.facebook.com/FromeField2Fork

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Frome Food Hub

Online ordering of local, sustainable food for collection from the weekly hub in Frome, or local delivery if preferred. Free to join, with no commitment to buy and no minimum order quantities.

Website: https://www.fromefoodhub.co.uk/

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Frome Neighbourhood Network

The Frome Neighbourhood Network exists to help build connected, caring and resilient communities in Frome at the street and neighbourhood level.

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fromeneighbourhoodnetwork/

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Frome Renewable Energy Co-op

FRECo is an energy co-op that enables the community to invest in renewable energy projects in Frome.

Website: https://freco.org/

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Frome’s Missing Links

Working to link up the centre of Frome with National Cycle Route 24, creating a scenic and virtually traffic-free route north to Bath and south to Longleat and beyond.

Website: https://fromesmissinglinks.org.uk/

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Future Shed

A space where people can come together to share ideas and bring environmental initiatives and enterprises to fruition around climate and health.

Website: https://edventurefrome.org/future-shed/

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giki zero: Understand and reduce your personal carbon footprint

Your free personal guide to calculate, track and reduce your environmental footprint

Website: https://zero.giki.earth/

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Green and Healthy Future for Frome

Frome Medical Practice, Edventure Frome CIC and Frome Town Council are working in partnership on a two year project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund through their dedicated Climate Action Fund to explore how we can create a climate and health win-win by working together as a community.

Website: https://edventurefrome.org/climatehealth/

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Health Connections Mendip

Health Connections Mendip is provided by your Mendip GP practices to improve health and wellbeing.

Website: https://healthconnectionsmendip.org/

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