March 2017 meeting: Zero carbon
March: 2nd March 2017: Zero Carbon
March’s One Planet Frome session was on the theme of Zero Carbon. We explored our own experiences – how have we learnt about climate change? For many of us, there is a tension between the evidence that scientists are giving us and the desire to avert our gaze from such momentous information. We shared stories about our own journeys struggling to get to grips with the reality, and the actions we have taken as a result.
We then went on to discuss ways that we can help other people learn about it – particularly those who currently reject or don’t think about climate change. One approach is to stress the negatives and dangers, particularly those that are immediate and tangible – local flooding, air pollution, rising food prices and energy costs. Another is to highlight the attractions of a transition – a cleaner environment, healthier lifestyles, reduced working time, stronger community, happier (less consumerist) lives… And another is to try and rekindle a sense of responsibility towards future generations. The session ended with a discussion about the kind of culture change that will be needed in Frome if we are to realise the goal of making the town fossil fuel-free within 30 years.
Along the way we were treated to a wonderful poem on this theme: Rebuttal, by Richard Foreman
A major European survey has recently made some important recommendations about ways of engaging more of the public in climate change issues.